We have a hobby

About us: we buy in bulk magic little plastic pieces that have already offered hours and hours of joy time to someone. We dig through them, sort them, clean them and do our best to restore vintage and recent sets. We play with them too. Then we try to find them a new home. Someone else that will get hours and hours of joy out of them. That's our hobby.

Brick Owl


About Sleeps with LEGO

After washing, second hand LEGO dries on the bed in the guestroom. But Count Bricksalot snors a lot too, so I change beds.

One evening we watch Dances with Wolves. The following morning Count Snorsalot wakes me up in the guestroom and says:

"Your Indian name is Sleeps with Lego!"

About Count Bricksalot

According to Sleeps with LEGO I count a lot of bricks. First when I stock our LEGO store. And then again when customers order parts in small amounts. Luckily we also have customers - with a more severe LEGO addiction - who buy lots of 50. Those bags are pre-counted and easy to pick 🙂